‘Healthier life’

Our sustainability strategy

DocMorris has a special responsibility to society: we want to create a world for everyone to manage their health in one click. Implementing this business model to improve peoples' quality of life inherently follows the principle of sustainability. 

Yet, we understand that much more is needed to realise our ambition of a ‘Healthier life’ – that is to deeply weave sustainability into our corporate strategy at all levels. We acknowledge our responsibility to monitor, understand and act upon the social, environmental and economic impact of our own operations and that of the wider digital health industry. That's why we have structured our sustainability approach around four strategic pillars: Healthier People, Sustainable Planet, Caring Company, and Reliable Partnerships.

Our sustainability journey has already begun, and we will continue to embed sustainable priorities into our business practices. Just like the circular economy, our sustainability efforts will constantly evolve.

4 strategic pillars

Healthier People

Digitisation may have simplified our lives in many ways, but there is still a strong need for its integration into professional medical assistance and care. Based on our commitment to improving medication efficacy and providing easier access to seamless and higher-quality digital health offerings, we're rethinking healthcare for our customers.

Sustainable Planet

Climate change is the defining issue of our time, and a continuous rise in temperature will have severe consequences for our planet. Action is required. Our priorities include the reduction of our company’s carbon footprint, efficient energy use, sustainable packaging materials, and waste management.

Reliable Partnerships

In building a sustainable digital health ecosystem, we need to recognise the fundamental impacts of our business activities on relevant stakeholders and vice versa. We want to foster collaborative decision-making and share ownership with relevant ecosystem players. Our sustainability measures therefore include stakeholder identification, transparent dialogue, and the continuous implementation of the lessons learned.

Caring Company

Technology is rapidly changing customer expectations. In response, we are adapting our ways of working to best suit our customers' needs. A significant part of this is to constantly monitor and minimise any risks posed to our customers and employees in our use of technology. Data privacy and information security are areas of a particularly high interest for us. We focus firmly on reliable digital systems and data protection, new corporate governance and compliance principles, a value-oriented corporate culture, attractive working conditions, and talent development.

Clear targets for the future

We have set specific, measurable short-, mid- and long-term targets in each of our five strategic pillars. These are not only closely interwoven with the strategy, but also linked to the compensation of the Executive Board.

We will reduce absolute CO2e for market-based emissions (scope 2) by mid-single digit percentage compared to 2024.
We will reduce absolute CO2e for market-based emissions (scopes 1 and 2) at our sites by 85 % by 2030 with 2022 as the base year.
We will switch to 100% renewable electricity in all distribution centres by 2030.
We will achieve net zero emissions (scopes 1 and 2) by 2050.
We will train all of our (top)-management in sustainable health management principles.
We will lower our Gender Pay Gap from the 2024 level of 4.5%.
We will create a new offer for upskilling on new market skills.
We will strengthen the focus on intercultural diversity.
We will achieve equal pay for all genders.
We will remain an employer of choice where people want to work and build a career.
We will be a leader in corporate social responsibility, including human rights.
We will get 30% of our suppliers to agree to the Supplier Code of Conduct or have a CoC with similar substance to ours .
We will have all of our suppliers agree to the Supplier Code of Conduct by 2030 or have a CoC with similar substance to ours.
We remain an employer of choice where people want to work and build a career.
We will foster respect of human rights within the whole supply chain (upstream & downstream).
We will cover 90% of the drug groups with information letters.
We will add at least 5 new Journeys to the DocMorris “Ratgeber” and expand other services for chronic disease patients.
We will expand our digital health ecosystem platform.
We will commit to specific goals as new services are launched.
We will work towards achieving our vision of enabling everyone to manage their health in one click.
We will train all our employees in our Culture Principles.
We will strengthen and live our corporate culture.
We are working on maintaining the good payment conditions.
The corporate culture is internalised, but at the same time constantly improved.
We remain a trustworthy partner with fair payment terms.
Walter Hess
For 2024, we have reported for the first time in accordance with the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and carried out a double materiality analysis as a basis. Future measures and targets will be based on the results of this analysis and follow the structure of the new European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS).
Walter Hess
CEO, DocMorris AG

Our sustainability report

Our Sustainability Report for 2024 follows the European Union's new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRS) for the first time and is therefore part of the Annual Report. DocMorris has carried out a double materiality analysis and reports on the resulting impacts, risks and opportunities. The progress and new sustainability targets can be found in the Annual Report from page 40 onwards. DocMorris has also prepared a TCFD report for 2024 for the first time, which is also integrated into the Annual Report from page 95 onwards.

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0 61


0 16

million drug safety notes sent

0 4%

training formats in Corporate Culture established

0 93%

reduction in market-based GHG emissions (scope2)*

*due to new renewable energy contract for electricity across segment Germany (compared to 2022 base year)

Sustainability at all levels

To ensure the successful anchoring and implementation of our sustainability strategy at all levels of our organisation, the appropriate resources and responsibilities have been allocated.

Overall responsibility for the sustainable development of DocMorris lies with the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. As of 2023, Prof. Dr. Andréa Belliger is responsible for Sustainability within the Board of Directors. The Sustainability Steering Committee reports on a regular basis on important developments to the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our strategic approach to managing material topics is aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were developed as a global blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. While all 17 SDGs are related to our activities and impact, we have identified 7 that are most closely linked to our strategic pillars:

  • SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being

  • SDG 5 Gender Equality

  • SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

  • SDG 13 Climate Action 

  • SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals

We pay particular attention to how our sustainability strategy can contribute in the most meaningful way to the SDGs as a core of our actions and an impactful contribution to responsible corporate citizenship.

All SDGs


DocMorris has been rated by the renowned rating agency MSCI ESG and achieved a very good and improved rating of AA with a focus on a good rating for labor management and corporate governance. This proves that our sustainability efforts are also receiving attention from outside. There is still room for development, but we are working on improving the rating even further in the future.

United Nations Global Compact

DocMorris is committed to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative with the mission to help companies align their strategies and operations with universal principles relating to human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. Becoming a member in early 2022 underpins our desire to contribute to advancing societal and environmental goals and use this framework to regularly report on our progress.

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Want to know more? Our team will be glad to answer any questions you may have about sustainability at DocMorris.

Additional contacts can be found here:

All contacts
Sustainability Team